2023/24 Dick Ellis, Paul Paulding and Derek Myers represent Boxley II in the new club livery - 31.10.23

Barry, Gary and Lyndon prior to the start of the Jim Bradford Handicap Final on 06.04.22
Our winning trio with their awards 06.04.22
I had the honour of presenting mementos to each player at the end of the evening 06.04.22
In a truncated 2021/22 season, thanks to the ravages of Covid, Boxley II finished third in Medway Towns League Division Two. Left to right Mick Sheppard, Bob Ellis, Steve Neilson and captain/photographer Paul Paulding were the most frequent representatives.
Medway Ladies' Champion Jill Shipton April 2017, with runner-up Scarlett O'Neil and organiser Malcolm Kay
Medway mixed doubles champions 2017, Paul Homewood and Jill Shipton
Medway Mixed Doubles finalists, winners Paul Homewood and Jill Shipton with runners-up Sarah Stevens and Andy Norwood, April 2017
Last home game of the 2016-17 season, Derek Myers, Gary Hentschel and Barry Roles represent Boxley II
Last home game of the 2016-17 season, Jim Bradford, Bob Ellis and Robert Czik represent Boxley III

 Ninth anniversary of the 200 club at the Howard on 14.10.15, Mick, Colin & Jim however beaten by 23 points

 Paul Homewood confirmed his consistent form over a long 2014-15 season to win the division two singles at the Medway closed championships from Chatham's young Harry Jones. Trophies presented by Chris Drury.

The year is 2005 and the then chairman, Steve Bannister presents Medway O/60 doubles awards. Pictured with Steve are Jim Bradford, Roger Harris and Dennis McConkey 

 Jock Davidson presents Over 60's Medway Doubles runners-up awards to Alan Stallworthy (now with Sturdee) and Jim Bradford in 1997 

 In the 1992-93 season Division Three was split into 3A and 3B sections, with a Boxley team winning both and playing off to determine the divisional champions. Pictured here from left to right :- Ken Howse, Owen Robson, Jim Bradford, Allen Trice, Steve Neilson and Tony Williams

A Boxley team were Division 2 team doubles winners in 2000. Pictured above are Shaun Walsh, Mick Sheppard and Jim Bradford, presented with their trophies by Don Obray

 The 200 club now 216 on 30.01.12, Colin, Mick and Jim enjoy a 10-0 win against a two boy Vikings - total age 31!!

Boxley I represented by Brian Peaper, Steve Neilson and John Bird on 26.09.11 at Bluebell Village Hall 

Boxley II represented by Colin Turner, Jim Bradford and Steve Triggs on 26.09.11 at Bluebell Hill Village Hall 

 "Steady" Eddie Smith on a recent back to Walderslade from his Dorset home

Steve Neilson, Lyndon Beale, Jim Bradford and Colin Creed at the Howard centre 

Jim Bradford, Tina Stewart and Lyndon Beale at "Fortress" Boxley 

 The 200 Club, well pushing towards 220 now, Jim Bradford , Mick Sheppard and Colin Creed at Bluebell Village Hall

First match of the 2011-12 season, Boxley I represented at the Howard by Colin Turner, John Bird and Mick Sheppard. Winning 7-3 start. Photo courtesy of Martin Harris, as are many others to be found on this site 

Boxley I represented by Brian Peaper, Mick Sheppard and John Bird at Sturdee on 23.10.09 

Charles Stampe  Finals Night at Sturdee, Boxley represented by Lyndon Beale, Barry Roles and Steve Neilson

Boxley II take the Charles Stampe for the 1995-96 season. Pictured are Jock Davidson, Jim Bradford, Tony Williams, Don Obray, Steve Neilson and Bob Peek 

Boxley II at Rainham 83 club. Chris Sparks, Steve Neilson and Mick Sheppard represented the club that night 

 Boxley I in 2008-09 Steve Neilson, Barry Roles and Lyndon Beale are pictured at a mystery location?

Also in 2008-09 Colin Creed, Tina Stewart and Jim Bradford pose at Bluebell Village Hall 

Pictured during the 2007-08 season are Lyndon Beale, Jill Shipton and Mick Sheppard, at yet another mystery location? 

Boxley I in 2000, Mick |Sheppard, Shaun Walsh and Jim Bradford 

Boxley II in 2000, Bob Peek, the late Tony Williams, Kerry Taylor and Neil Long 

Boxley 200 club in 2003-03, Colin Creed, Mick Sheppard and Jim Bradford 

Boxley I 2002-03, Mick Sheppard, Jim Bradford and Martin Smith 

Boxley II 2002-03, Steve Neilson, Neil Long and Kerry Taylor 

Boxley II 2006-07, Steve Neilson, Barry Roles and Lyndon Beale 

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